Forgive the Dance

Please forgive the dance,
but it is what I do –
one step forward,
then slide back,
shuffle and lose the rhythm
and start again.

Always reaching forward –
heart securely tucked in place –
but there is something embedded,
cellular – that invites the struggle

and so…I dance –
yesterday a warrior,
today the fool,
tomorrow only knows

roughly cut,
a gem
of an undefined hue,
I will always try again.

(Forgive the Dance first appeared on One Woman’s Quest II, September 2019. Image my own)


Wary of ruts –
the lies I tell myself
sprouting roots,
impeding progress.

Yet, without roots
how am I defined –
does impermanence
not also leave a stain?

The ground shifts
beneath me
and I dance

inventing a rhythm
that defies ruts,
mocks impermanence
and eludes definition.