Beauty and the Beast Revisited

Met a bear who proclaimed himself to be a man;
knew the instant I spotted him – lumbering
gait approaching – that he was an animal,
feared for my safety, would have retreated

stayed at my mother’s side – sheltered in
familiarity – were I not so fixated on his
blatant woundedness. Sympathy blinding
sensibility, i listened, hypnotized

by the whiteness of his exposed skin –
wanted to believe the veracity of his
tales of conversion – could visualize
him sitting in church, imagine the

horror of the congregants melting,
as I was, into acceptance, drinking
in his words, hearts soaring at his
professed abstinence from sins

of the flesh; none of immune to
fairy-tale endings; faith above all.
Left the sanctity of mother’s fold;
followed him to his wooded lair;

read humility into his minimalist
housing, swept away his cobwebs
and my dreams, determined to
find fulfillment in domesticity.

The forest has it own story to tell –
nature does not lie – a beast does not
its essence forget, in time his true
temperament emerged, and I, lost

withered into a crumpled ball,
a wisp of a character, weakened,
disheartened; could not bend
myself to become either bear

nor Goldilocks; could not tame
his insatiable grumblings nor
abide long winters confined;
discovered too late the folly

of my girlish fantasies, learned
that sympathy did not beget love,
and denying instincts did not alter
the fact that a bear is not a man.

(Poem first appeared here April 2016. Couldn’t resist the accompanying image – photoshopped by yours truly)

Let’s Be Honest

Wolf moon finds me
hungering… no
I am not a wolf
but I am starved
in this month of storms
snow blocking doors
temperatures dropping

Temperatures rising
flames of creativity
steaming panes
the season is wrought
belly-aching crave
I am wolf, howling
hoping the moon finds me.

(A bit of fun with wordplay – turning an idea upside down- this poem originally appeared January, 2021. Image my own)

Lessons From a Newborn

Rest. Nap as often as you need;
life can be exhausting – store up.

Cry. Let your feelings be known –
your voice is your saving grace.

Joy is a whole body experience;
immerse yourself in total delight.

Hold on to those who love you;
your survival depends on them.

See the world through new ideas;
you never know what thrills await.

Listen intently when others speak;
they will be your captive audience.

Imitate other. Practice until you
have found your own expression.

(Image mine)

Trust the process, living fully
in each moment. Be present.

Honour the miracle of existence;
embrace the blessing that is you!

(Lessons from a Newborn first appeared here June, 2016. Image my own)

Please Hang Up

I called you
that one time
poured my heart out
such despair

I called you.
You weren’t there.
Left a message –
garbled words
rushed to beat
inevitable beep.

Regret immediate
then panic
the outpouring
of a lonely heart

I called you.
You didn’t answer.
You never called back.

Thank you for that.

(I found this poem on my other blog, and have given it a new title. Image my own.)

Distorted Lenses

My memory of you –
distorted by childish exuberance-
distant and disinterested

Translated vacant eyes
through the lens of my needs
child that I was.

Failed to notice
the aura of defeat,
the battered heart

the robotic responses
masking unbelievable sorrow
missed it all

Till death knocked
and I saw you anew –
adult lenses now fully secured.

Wonder at the fortitude
that kept you upright
the love that served us both.

No fault here –
on either side –
just a bittersweet understanding.

(Distorted Lenses first appeared here August, 2019. Image my own)


I try to draw the curtain
on your ominous darkness,
as if emotions can be delegated
to black and white; as if love
can be anything other than
this shadowy meandering –
roots of your uncertainty
roots of my deception –
a tangled path indeed.

(Tuesdays I borrow from Twiiter @Vjknutson. Image my own)


My son used to burn himself
press the lit end of a cigarette
against his bare flesh

an attempt to penetrate
the numbness –
this I know

because I did it too
walking barefoot in the snow
cutting till blood oozed

there is a pain
familiar to adolescents
that bears no explanation

a hellish limbo –
suspended between innocence
and adult expectations

unable to articulate
the wrongs endured
or separate shame

from responsibility,
an inexplicable grief
and longing…

…longing to understand
at least for a moment
the pain one dare not feel.

(Image my own)