
Wildlife flirts
blossoms sing
air vibrates
sun and rain

Birds and bees
buzz in harmony
but a single note
thrills my senses

Canada Geese
squabble and waddle
while Mallard Mom
herds young into reeds

A splash signals
presence of beaver,
but my ear is fixated
eyes scanning green

For a glimpse
of brilliant orange
capped with black –
Baltimore Oriole

(Image my own)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

44 thoughts on “Anticipation”

  1. How wonderful, to catch one’s own image of the Baltimore Oriole. And wonderful poem to convey this experience 💙

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just got out of bed and was staring bleakly into my black, Splenda & Kahlua coffee, thinking I’d have nothing to look forward to today & I read your poem and felt encouraged to at least look up, look out the damned window & be grateful for another day of reading fine poetry, of which this is a shining example. Thanks. Maybe I’ll go for a walk later.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well glad I could provide that inspiration – never quite the smile you leave us all with, but something.


  3. This is a lovely spring poem. I watched three Canada Geese this morning. One fellow was letting a third know to stay away from his lady! I felt bad for the fellow who had to wander off on his own. Hope you see your Orioles soon. People have started putting out the oranges for them here already.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. You paint a vivid and lovely picture of nature. I’m no longer huddled inside to keep out of the rain, but vicariously sitting on my back deck basking in the sun’s warmth. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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