Cheer for Spring

Cheer growth
beneath a heavy cloud cover,
Canada goose passes
overhead, while I

behind a veil of rainy grey,
lens poised to capture life,
swallows swoop and
rise up.

Rise up,
over rushing waters, branch high
blackbirds huddle, demand
my attention:

reveals newness, buds breaking through,
colours promising that
chilly winds disperse,
cheer growth.

Cheer growth,
behind a veil of rainy grey
blackbirds huddle, demand
chilly winds disperse;
cheer growth.

(Dark Side of the Moon offers this final cinquain challenge:  Garland Cinquain.
Deep thanks to Abigail for teaching us this form.  I have enjoyed the challenge.)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

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