Reverse Solitudes

Loneliness –
abandoned and rejected,
grieves unrestrained,
then hesitantly,
opens to possibility,
discovering hope,
in solitude –

not alone

in solitude
discovers hope,
opens to possibility,
then willingly,
grief releases,
abandons and rejects

(Frank Hubeny is the host tonight for the dVerse Pub, and he challenges to write a reverse poem.  I found this one in my archives (2015) and with a little tweaking, I think it work.)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

32 thoughts on “Reverse Solitudes”

  1. I love this idea of exploring connection in solitude, and through that journey redefining loneliness. This is deeply moving. I, too, am amazed at your ability to swiftly retrieve from your archives. Mine are in boxes and files and I hope you are soon going to offer a poet’s guide to archival success! Thanks for sharing such beautiful writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I have boxes and boxes dating before 2012. After that, I have this blog, although the non-published works are filed away on my computer or hard drives. Thanks for your thoughts. Nice to hear from you. Happy Friday.


  2. Impressive and intriguing – both the poem and going back 3 years in response to a prompt! (I have everything I’ve ever written, but lack the mental recall to go looking for a specific.)

    Liked by 1 person

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