
Maybe I just needed a new perspective –
like the famed Hanged Man of tarot –
committed to some deep, internal need,
I willed a horizontal shift; landed with intent.

Maybe it is not my legs that are disabled,
but a soul longing to escape the continual
discord of perpetual motion, a never-ending
to-do list of the success-driven persona.

Maybe there is a greater purpose for being
that is not encompassed by outer drive –
a mysterious meaning that is revealed only
in the quiet stillness in which I now dwell.

Maybe I have been called to a personal
pilgrimage – a Camino of sorts – a crusade
of spirit designed to cleanse and enlighten –
the journey is certainly arduous enough.

Maybe it is through acceptance, finally
having released a need to control, move,
achieve, accomplish that I am able to
embrace the true lessons of suffering.

Maybe this cocooning is an act of Grace
demanding surrender before the actual
transformation occurs, and I will emerge,
legless or not, winged and ready to soar.

Maybe, just maybe, this stripped down,
barren existence is not a penance for
shameful living, but a desert crossing,
offering re-alignment: hard-fought peace.

(Maybe first appeared here Feb. 2017. Image my own)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

60 thoughts on “Maybe”

  1. Maybe this is what I’m experiencing in my life right now. Lying down, observing the cause and effect of the world acting as if it is not including me. Doing things different to my previous standards. Was it me trying this perspective. Maybe it allows me to clearly see the holes that need to be filled, and maybe if I fill those holes it will be a transformation for me.

    Or Maybe I’m not comprehending this poem right. *embarassed laugh*

    ( * ´_ゝ` )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are right on! I’ve always thought that the key to healing is a shift in perspective, and without a change in circumstances, that is hard to come by. Your words demonstrate openness to that shift. Thanks for commenting

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah, wings! I could be talked into thinking wings a better deal than legs. But please let me keep my hands, fingers, ability to whack keyboards into poetry …

    For me, this poem is wonderful reinforcement of my philosophy that everything serves to prepare me for whatever comes next, even when the relationship defies explanation. This helps me deal with life’s inevitable ups and downs, an excuse to laugh at some of my own emotions.

    Beautifully read, too!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Maybe .. after the wanderings .. wings will grow .. rivers will flow .. and the desert sands will turn to snow .. and there will be new seeds to sow … just maybe … there is more to know … ((your wondrous poem encourages a myriad of thoughts V.J.))

    Liked by 6 people

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