Let’s Be Honest

Wolf moon finds me
hungering – no
I am not a wolf
but I am starved
in this month of storms
snow blocking doors
temperatures dropping

Temperatures rising
flames of creativity
steaming panes
the season is wrought
belly-aching crave
I am wolf, howling
hoping the moon finds me.

(A bit of word play for Eugi’s Weekly prompt: Wolf moon. Image my own.)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

45 thoughts on “Let’s Be Honest”

  1. Again, the image and text intertwine so wonderfully. I happened to go outside last night and turned to encounter the moon rising through tree branches. That was a special moment. There must be times when being the wolf is astounding. Even though the search for food might be hard.

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