
I have ventured
into your atmosphere
slipped my skin
your skin
and discovered
a universe
into a physical dance
of light and shadow
nuances of colour
delineating life

At our core
we are light
leaning into mystery
cellular interpretations
of a symphony
we cannot hear

Compassion extended
mind altered
we meld.

(A free flow poem in response to Reena’s Exploration challengeAs Above .  Click on link to view video.  Image my own.)


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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

40 thoughts on “Melding”

  1. The score fits very tightly with the video, but of course, in the world that’s visualized, that music could only be imagined, and “a symphony we cannot hear” would be so true.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “At our core
    we are light
    leaning into mystery
    cellular interpretations
    of a symphony
    we cannot hear”

    Brilliant! Love the way the poem has its own internal symphony.

    Liked by 2 people

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