I’ll Sit This One Out

Death invites me to dance
extends crooked hand
for crooked hand
takes the gentlemen’s lead

I know his moves –
have watched a time or two
even partnered a few
long, slow waltzes

But I prefer to tango
like the spice and thrill
of life’s lively step
bid him, politely, to move on.

(For Reena’s Exploration challenge: Antidotes to Fear of Death.  Also linking up to Eugi’s Causerie Weekly prompt: dancing.  Image my own)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

50 thoughts on “I’ll Sit This One Out”

  1. So much life in your defiant attitude and sweet art! Hello V.J, dear soul …. all ok here in the north and trusting we will get through this with ongoing hope and care. ❤️

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      1. Typing from the hospital dear …. thank you…we are energized by the public support here …. but it has beer eerily quiet in my centre. I pray it stays that way. Take good care 🌺

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  2. You grabbed me at HELLO VJ! The title of this poem drew me in immediately. And I was equally engaged by its’ entirety. Keep creating my friend. Your words heighten our resilience frequency. ❤️❤️

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  3. “You can’t beat death but you can beat death in life, sometimes. And the more often you learn to do it, the more light there will be. Your life is your life. Know it while you have it.” Bukowski

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