Old Codgers

Idleness fills his hours
as if time knows no limits

I devour moments, afraid
tomorrow will forget me

we see-saw between
treacherous righteousness
and fusty avoidance

ignoring balance –
a sensible response.

(Inspired by the perils of an aging marriage, and submitted for Ragtag Community’s prompt:  fusty.)  Image from personal collection.

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

26 thoughts on “Old Codgers”

  1. Oh my, you’ve drawn this scene/slice of life So Well!!! Balance is a fine concept, worthy, sensible, full of health benefits…but I tend to smirk and frown in confusion, as though it’s a complex algebra problem 🙂 I’m workin’ on it, truly I am, Professor…hoping to get it solved before the Final Exam 🙂

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      1. Maybe that’s what it is with me…I feel so much better now…I think 🙂 🙂 You’re too much–I love your quips! ❤

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  2. There is definitely a melancholy tinge to this poem; it’s sad to think of how two people who might have once been so in love, now have moments of idleness and fusty avoidance.

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      1. Settling will begin next week. This week I am driving across town daily to tend to 2 very elderly cats that my daughter house-sits with in owner’s absence – daughter now on a week’s vacation. I signed up readily given prior acquaintance with both cats, plus their owner is a very good friend – a shaman/dreamworker/poet (who travels over 50% of each year). Being in her space for 4 hours each day is a gift, as is being with tabbies Bella and Jasper – teaching me a few things about elderly disabilities and temperament! Oh, but morning rush-hour traffic getting there is BRUTAL. Bella has detached retinas and can’t see much of anything – morning meds essential.

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