Role Models

When Scarsdale failed,
she resorted to corsets,
and girdles – trussed up
like a teabag –
sucked in her bits,
hair a touch too red,
nails forever chipping –
Dad’s disapproval a sour note –
watched as Mom steeped
in resentment, waited
for the boiling point.

(This quadrille is written for dVerse, hosted tonight by Mish, with the topic of steep.  I am also linking up to Ragtag Community – note; and Fandango’s – resort.)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

53 thoughts on “Role Models”

  1. You built the setting and connected to the emotional tenor so skillfully, the detailed preparations and descriptions, you never quite know when it will boil, I Am sorry she had to deal with this in silence for so long, a loving tribute to her in a way if I am not mistaken, thank you for this powerful piece about “peace” VJ.

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  2. I love the word choice steep. I grew up with under a person that steeped in anger and spite. Watching what it did to her, I chose to steep in love and kindness as an adult.

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  3. How resentment can truly steep….like an entity of it’s own. As women, we are so hard on ourselves….but we shouldn’t wonder why. Sometimes it’s obvious.Love all the tea references.

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  4. Ah .. us women are the dynamic and emotional types ❤️ it’s like they say “don’t play with fire.” 😉 Brilliant use of steep, V.J! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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