Beauty Routine

Plump the lips
pad the ass,
pull abs in

Push-up bras
and false eyelash,
botox, and brows

Make us pretty
much less witty –
do not overdo

Natural is rave
naked is yuck –
to find perfection

choose a routine
that sculpts and
shapes, then lie.

(dVerse quadrille prompt is yuck,  Ragtag Community is plump, Fandango offers routine, Daily Addictions is apparent.)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

54 thoughts on “Beauty Routine”

  1. When women (and men too, sometimes) get carried away with the artifice, I can’t help imagining their suitor’s disappointment the first time he/she sees them bare-faced or bare-skinned. Much better to find that balance you describe so well. Great poem!

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  2. Oh my, a lot of work. I’m too tired. After a couple years of ‘naked yuck” I have gone back to a little foundation, blush and mascara (on days I don’t think I’ll be crying). Even that is a lot to bother with so I don’t know how long this lie will last.

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  3. Too much work to go against the tide of nature’s way. My dermatologist has another name for those oversize age spots on my hands. He calls them “wisdom spots” — uh huh. I am old enough to be his mother. What does he know. Ha!

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