Protesting is Pointless

Go ahead, spin
your yarns –
convince me
not to persecute

Can you not see
my skin is naught
but tin; I am metal
inside and out

You are looking for
sympathy – requires
a being with a heart –
I am no such fool.

Hush your mournful
pleas, quit dragging
on me; I’ve no time
for nonsense, child.

(Today at dVerse, Mish has challenged to write from the perspective of either the Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow, or the Tin Man.  Using the daily prompts of Fandango (being), Ragtag Community (yarn), Manic Mondays (hush),  and Daily addictions (persecute), this portrait of the Tin Man emerged.  If he sounds presidential here, it is purely coincidental. Image is from my personal collection, and seemed appropriate.)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

48 thoughts on “Protesting is Pointless”

  1. I must admit the poem did sound like a certain WH official when I first read it. Your description of the prompts you used had me re-reading the poem and I can see it both ways now. Very interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha, ha. Initially the poem was from the perspective of the tin man, but with the given words it ended up resembling a certain someone – unintentional, but hey.


  2. I like the way this poem evolved from a variety of challenges, V.J. and I recognise the presidential in your Tin Man. I’m so glad you replaced ‘fake news’ with ‘spin your yarns’! I don’t think the Tin Man in the White House will ever find his heart.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank
        Coming Back..
        As Love
        Hate in
        The End
        And Beginning
        OF Real Existence
        Literally too
        With Mote
        So Perhaps in
        This way every
        Microbe oF
        Saves a
        A Big
        Bang too
        If only
        Worth SMiLes..:)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I flashed on the Star Trek Borg creed “Resistance is futile”; thought you were going to take us to a dark place. Well you kind of did, and I dug it.

    Liked by 1 person

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