Passion Exposed

Seduced –
the virility of youth
irresistible even for an old
duck like me –  so unexpected,
relentless, I ignore exhaustion
lean into the fantasy, allow
desire to embrace me,
cross a boundary,

step up
to the stage,
shameless, speak
into the mic, reveal
my words: those
childlike bits
of myself;

my passion
does not offend,
the blatant sexuality
of my tongue, my voice,
raw desire, peaked arousal,
does not mar my reputation,
pathetic, really, that one so past
her prime should dare to grace the
boards – surely a younger woman’s game.

(Passion Exposed was penned in December of 2016 after attending my first poetry open mic.  Having been a closet writer for most of my life, I still find it uncomfortable at times to share my words.)

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

27 thoughts on “Passion Exposed”

  1. This was really helpful.I’m currently in highschool and super confused,because I wan to do too many things at once!
    This makes me feel like it’s okay.Great blog,definitely checking out your other posts!Id love for you to check out
    mine as well<3

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wanting to do everything when you are in high school (and bright, as you appear to be) is normal. I used to teach high school, and miss the energy, so thanks for dropping by. Your blog is upbeat and full of good insights. Glad my poem resonated with you.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the line ” allow desire to embrace me” It’s like you didn’t let the fear overpower you. I for one am so pleased that you share your words. I think you are an amazing poet and everytime I read your writing, I try to learn something from it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I LOVE THIS. I too have been that older woman, feeling inferior and insecure among the radiant youngsters with their smooth skin and firm bodies, telling myself I am ridiculous and should act my age. But we are made of *so much* more than just our skin and bodies! We are our life experience, our wisdom, our heartbreak, our hope, our passion … and as long as we are alive, we should keep speaking our truth. Good for you for having the courage to do just that. xx

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Love this! RECOGNIZE these feelings. Reading poetry aloud to even one other, and especially to a group of others, amounts to stripping naked, baring parts always there, but usually modestly under wraps.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you for this! I can truly relate. I was widowed 9years ago, started thinking about relationships 3 or 4 years later.. I found it quite the conundrum. 24 years of a husband complaining that I didn’t like sex enough. (5 kids.. I was tired ! ) And all of a sudden I’m a slut, or my favorite.. of a Jezebel Spirit.. for admitting to liking sex .. for being straight forward and not playing virginal games.. because I’m old you know….it’s unseemly.. a young woman’s game !

    Liked by 1 person

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