A Toddler’s Tears

When it comes to caring,
I’m a pro – engaged,
wholehearted, well…
except that my toddler
self joins in, and no matter

how proper I try to act –
she is such a fetching child,
bright, inquisitive – she
distracts me from purpose,
gets me off-track, and I hate

being behind, and anxiety
acts up, and the subject of my
focus departs, leaves me solo,
abandoned like the baby,
memories of saturated diapers

unattended to, and the raw
scratch of tears unanswered,
and I’m not trained to care for
inner children, essentially
overlooked, innocence tainted.

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Permission to write, paint, and imagine are the gifts I gave myself when chronic illness hit - a fair exchange: being for doing. Relevance is an attitude. Humour essential.

11 thoughts on “A Toddler’s Tears”

  1. Ooh this made my heart hurt a little. A lot when do we lose part of ourselves and can we get it back. I just looked up the definition of innocence and it doesnt have the definition i thought. It seems to be more of a not guilty than how i feel of it as a child like wonder that i think we can get back even if it is stolen and takes a lifetime

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sometimes, we just need to let ourselves be that child that wanders/wonders … wandering does create chaos sometimes (smiling) but can also bring clarity and moments we never expected. Go with the flow… enjoy the wandering into wonder. ha.

    Liked by 1 person

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